Legal Status

Unity of Hawai’i Endowment Foundation is a supporting organization to Unity Church of Hawai’i under Section 509(a)(3) of the internal Revenue Code, as amended, and operate exclusively for the benefit of Unity Church of Hawai’i.

Governing Board

The Endowment Foundation has an elected five-member Board of Directors. Its duties are defined in the Foundation’s Bylaws. The Foundation Board is duty bound to perform its functions in accordance with its Bylaws and the UPMIFA uniform law governing foundations.  The Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act provides guidance and authority to foundations that affect the management and investment of funds held by the Foundation.

Click here to read the UPMIFA act.


Click here  to read the Endowment Foundation Bylaws

Gift Acceptance Policy

Click here  to read the Endowment Foundation’s Gift Acceptance Policy

Investment Policy

Click here  to read the Endowment Foundation’s Investment Policy

Investment Manager

Click here  to read about the Investment Manager